Well, this was fun to write. I’m trying to do some server automation; part of the process is automatically figuring out which network interfaces are available, and on which networks. I have a machine with 4+ ports: I really don’t want to go plugging and unplugging each one just to figure out which one is connected where.

You might say, “that’s easy! just run ifconfig, get the subnet associated with each interface, and parse the results. Bing, bang, boom, done.” But there’s a few problems with that approach. First among them is that we aren’t assuming the existence of any kind of L3 network. In that case, how do you know which of your interfaces are on the same switch? What if the machine is on multiple L2 networks? What if you only care about VPN interfaces, or want to ignore wifi? What if there’s no subnet?

Anyway, that’s what I had to deal with.

To solve the problem, I wrote a very ugly script. If you don’t like it….well, constructive analysis always welcome. Pull requests better still. To use it, specify the “types” of interfaces you want to analyze and about how much time it should take.

iface-groups -i eth -t 3

The output is a little strange. The problem with the data involved is that it’s inherently 2-dimensional; I want to know which interfaces are grouped together. That doesn’t lend itself well to a linear output. So, on every line sent to STDOUT, I’m printing a space-separated list of all interfaces that are connected on the same L2 network. For example:

$ iface-groups -i eth -t 3

eth0 eth2
eth1 eth3 eth4

You can parse this pretty well in a while read loop, like so:

iface-groups -i eth -t 3 | while read group

    echo "these interfaces can see only each other: $group"


Finally, you may be wondering about the available interface types. Well, you can read the script, or I’ll just list them out below. You can guess which is which, because I really don’t feel like specifying them right now. I just wrote this whole thing, gosh darn it!

Available interface types:
  eth, wlan, bridge, vlan, bond, tap, dummy, ib, ibchild, ppp
  tipip, ip6tnl, lo, sit, gre, irda, wlan_aux, tun, isdn, mip6mnha

Anyway, that’s all a nice little prelude to actually dumping the script here. I got no idea what the license is; the type identification was pulled from stack overflow and the original source link is dead. So whatever. If you want an updated version, you’ll have to hunt through my github repos: I probably won’t update this post, and the project it’s for is still under wraps. You’ll have to check back in a few years when it’s finally presentable.

# written by me on October 1, 2022. Do what you will, for I have already won.

# enumerates the properties of each network interface
# eventually, it may be possible to assign rules on a per-network basis
# i.e., all ifaces on 10.111.13/24 should request DHCP
# unless, that's better done as a set of logic outside this program

# we need to know:
# - which interfaces are wired
# - which interfaces are connected
# - which interfaces are on the same L2 network

# ASSUMPTION: one interface is NOT connected to multiple L2 switches

set -e

help () {

    echo -e "usage:"
    echo -e "\t-i , --ifacetype=[TYPE]"
    echo -e "\t-t , --timelimit=[seconds]"
    echo -e "Multiple interface types may be specified, like so:"
    echo -e "\tiface-groups -i eth -i tun -t 5"
    echo -e "Available interface types:"
    echo -e "\teth, wlan, bridge, vlan, bond, tap, dummy, ib, ibchild, ppp,"
    echo -e "\tipip, ip6tnl, lo, sit, gre, irda, wlan_aux, tun, isdn, mip6mnha"


timelimit="$1" ; [ -z "$timelimit" ] && timelimit='4'



#         +----------------------+----------------------------+
#         | Attribute            | Value                      |
#         +----------------------+----------------------------+
#         | Address Block        |             |
#         | Name                 | Documentation (TEST-NET-3) |
#         | RFC                  | [RFC5737]                  |
#         | Allocation Date      | January 2010               |
#         | Termination Date     | N/A                        |
#         | Source               | False                      |
#         | Destination          | False                      |
#         | Forwardable          | False                      |
#         | Global               | False                      |
#         | Reserved-by-Protocol | False                      |
#         +----------------------+----------------------------+
#         Table 14: TEST-NET-3

ifacetype=eth timelimit=3 lopts=ifacetype:,timelimit: sopts=i:t:

PARSED=$(getopt --options=$sopts --longoptions=$lopts --name "$0" -- "$@")

eval set -- "$PARSED"

while true; do case "$1" in


        allowed_iface_types="${allowed_iface_types:+$allowed_iface_types } $2"
        shift 2

    -t|--timelimit) timelimit="$2"  ; shift 2 ;;

    --) shift ; break ;;
    *)  help ; exit 1 ;;

esac done

[ -z "$allowed_iface_types" ] && help && exit 1


rm -rf $tempfile $groupingfolder
mkdir -p $tempfile
mkdir -p $groupingfolder

if ! command -v tcpdump &>/dev/null ; then echo "tcpdump required" ; exit 2 ; fi

sudo -v

get_iface_type () {
    # function came from a dead link via stackoverflow
    # http://gitorious.org/opensuse/sysconfig/blobs/master/scripts/functions

    local IF=$1 TYPE
    test -n "$IF" || return 1
    test -d /sys/class/net/$IF || return 2
    case "`cat /sys/class/net/$IF/type`" in
                # Ethernet, may also be wireless, ...
                if test -d /sys/class/net/$IF/wireless -o \
                        -L /sys/class/net/$IF/phy80211 ; then
                elif test -d /sys/class/net/$IF/bridge ; then
                elif test -f /proc/net/vlan/$IF ; then
                elif test -d /sys/class/net/$IF/bonding ; then
                elif test -f /sys/class/net/$IF/tun_flags ; then
                elif test -d /sys/devices/virtual/net/$IF ; then
                    case $IF in
                      (dummy*) TYPE=dummy ;;
           24)  TYPE=eth ;; # firewire ;; # IEEE 1394 IPv4 - RFC 2734
           32)  # InfiniBand
            if test -d /sys/class/net/$IF/bonding ; then
            elif test -d /sys/class/net/$IF/create_child ; then
          512)  TYPE=ppp ;;
          768)  TYPE=ipip ;; # IPIP tunnel
          769)  TYPE=ip6tnl ;; # IP6IP6 tunnel
          772)  TYPE=lo ;;
          776)  TYPE=sit ;; # sit0 device - IPv6-in-IPv4
          778)  TYPE=gre ;; # GRE over IP
          783)  TYPE=irda ;; # Linux-IrDA
          801)  TYPE=wlan_aux ;;
        65534)  TYPE=tun ;;
    # The following case statement still has to be replaced by something
    # which does not rely on the interface names.
    case $IF in
        ippp*|isdn*) TYPE=isdn;;
        mip6mnha*)   TYPE=mip6mnha;;
    test -n "$TYPE" && echo $TYPE && return 0
    return 3

# for every interface on the system
for interface in /sys/class/net/*

    interface=$(basename $interface)

    # figure out what it is: wifi? ethernet? virtual bridge? infiniband?
    iface_type=$(get_iface_type $interface)

    # for each of the useful interface types, specified above (or in an arg)
    for allowed_iface_type in ${allowed_iface_types[@]}

        # if the interface we're looking at is one of those allowed
        if [ "$iface_type" == "$allowed_iface_type" ]

            # if the interface is connected to something: switch, router, etc
            if tcpdump --list-interfaces | grep $interface | grep -q 'Running'

                # add it do the list of viable interfaces
                viable_ifaces="${viable_ifaces:+$viable_ifaces } $interface"


            # don't check more types after a match: "there can be only one"




[ -z "${viable_ifaces[@]}" ] && echo "no viable interfaces discovered" && exit 1


declare -A iface_ip

starttime=$(date +%s)

# for each viable interface we found
for interface in ${viable_ifaces[@]}

    # create a unique, unused ip address (taken from TEST-NET-3, RFC 6890)

    # associate that ip address with the current interface

    # start listening on that interface for ARP requests
    sudo timeout $timelimit tcpdump --immediate-mode -i $interface arp > $tempfile/$interface 2>/dev/null &

    # start sending ARP requests for the unique IP address on that interface
    sudo arping -I $interface -w $timelimit $ip_address &>/dev/null &


# total time it took to start the listeners and senders
endtime=$(date +%s)
initializationtime=$(( $endtime - $starttime ))

# wait for the listeners and senders to finish
sleep $(($timelimit + $initializationtime + 1))

# for each viable interface, get the file with the results from the listener
for ifacefile in $tempfile/*

    ifacename=$(basename $ifacefile)

    # if the iface is not already in a group of ifaces that can see each other
    if ! grep -q $ifacename $groupingfolder/* 2>/dev/null

        # create a new group with just that interface
        echo $ifacename > $groupingfolder/$(date +%s%N)


    # for each ARP request seen by this interface, get the IP address requested
    grep $ip_address_prefix $ifacefile | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | while read ipaddress

        # get the group file of the interface that saw the request
        groupfile=$(grep -l $ifacename $groupingfolder/* 2>/dev/null)

        # convert the ip address to the sender interface and add it to the group
        echo ${iface_ip[$ipaddress]} >> $groupfile



# for each group of interfaces that we collected
for group in $groupingfolder/*

    # filter out duplicate interfaces within the group and print to stdout 
    echo $(sort $group | uniq | xargs)
